Dems Move One Step Closer to Passing Gun Safety Legislation

Republican leaders are fighting to protect our gun rights. The Democrats, on the other hand, want to kill our culture. They’re trying to take away our right to bear arms, which is a fundamental part of who we are as Americans.

Democrats are using the latest shooting incidents to push for more gun restrictions. One of them is the Texas shooting incident in Uvalde. They’re taking advantage of the tragedy to score political points, and it’s sickening. 

This agenda would do nothing to stop criminals from getting their hands on guns. Instead, it would make it harder for law-abiding citizens to exercise their right to bear arms in order to protect themselves. 

The liberals prey on people’s fears and trample on our Second Amendment rights. We won’t stand for it.  Our freedom, culture, and identity are under attack like never before, and we must fight back.

Texas Attorney General Thinks that Passing a Red Flag Law is Ineffective

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton believes that passing a red flag law is ineffective in preventing another tragedy similar to Uvalde, Texas. He said on Newsmax, “I certainly don’t think that’s the right direction to go. What we’re talking about is people that are not going to follow laws. They’re not going to follow murder laws. They’re not going to follow gun laws. They will find ways to get guns.”

Then Paxton said that gun restrictions would only leave citizens vulnerable to attacks. He added, “If you start restricting law-abiding citizens… it just makes it difficult for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves.” 

The attorney general thinks that school administrators should be legally armed. In this way, they would be able to protect the children around them. He said, “I think what is effective is protecting these children at the point of entry. [As well as] having school administrators and teachers ready to respond.”

Paxton is correct because the dems will only take away guns to leave the citizens defenseless against law-breaking criminals. Meanwhile, there’s also a chance that the government will still have guns for their benefit. The liberals are definitely doing this to destroy our Republican culture and identity.

House Passes Gun Safety Legislation

The US House of Representatives passed gun-safety legislation. Now, they’re sending it to Biden who’s expected to sign it into law. In this bill, there would be:

  • State crisis intervention support
  • The enhanced review process for buyers under 21
  • Penalties for ‘straw purchases’
  • Mental health services and telehealth investments
  • Protection for domestic violence victims
  • School-based mental health and support services funding
  • School safety resource funding

The House voted 234-193. No Democrat opposed during the meeting. On the other hand, 14 Republicans backed the measure. It was a rare defeat for the US gun manufacturers and the National Rifle Association.

The liberals should keep their noses and money out of the gun debate. They could have trained the police to confront active shooters behind unlocked doors… or allowed us to have our guns freely. The liberals’ intervention only disrupts the Second Amendment rights of citizens, nothing more.

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